Monday 18 January 2010

Krishy reads about telephones.

Tring! tring!!! hello! Who is this???

Krishy can’t find her mobile. She looks everywhere, she looks in her bedroom, she climbs her bed to look into her toys cabinet, she even walks down to her garage to look in the car, but she really cannot find it.

“Mom, do you know where is my phone?” She asks her mother

“Look, now you are a big girl, u must learn to take care of your things I don’t have time to take care of your things.” Scolds her mom

Krishy starts to sob. She wanted to make a program of a birthday party for her friend and she does not know how to call her friend.

She sits in front of her TV, sobbing.

Her brother Tryan sees her crying.

Tryan never likes to see his sister crying. He thinks about a trick to cheer up his sister. He run quickly to his father’s library and returns back with a thick book full of photographs of the telephones.

“Look Krishy, what I have here, want to see the pictures of telephones in this book?” says Tryan.

Krishy looks into the book through her wet eyes. She starts to turn the pages in the book to see the pictures of different types of photographs.

“Wow! So kewl” she says

“Can you read it to me? What is written there in this book?” asks Tryan

Krishy is happy that she can read. She begins to read for her brother......

“It is almost hard to imagine that with all the ingenuity Bell and Watson had going for them, the first commercial telephone instrument was nothing more than a wood box about the size of a shoe box, with one hole on the end for both talking and listening. With this box phone, signaling was done by tapping on the diaphragm with a pencil.

And while Krishy reads what is written in the book, Tryan watched the pictures of different types of telephones that he never knew it existed.

Suddenly they heard their mom shouting from the next room,
"Krishy, Tryan, where are you? Look your mobile is here in my purse, come and get it”, said their mom.

Tryan and Krishy ran outside the room, leaving their book in the library.

If you wish to know what Tryan and Krishy read about the telephone instrument from 1877 to 1900, you can peep into their pages right now

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