Sunday 29 August 2010

The White Cat

by Aarti Krishnakumar

The white cat sneaked into our home
through the window in my room
I watched him dash by
Ran to chase him out

Shoo shoo, I followed him
into the bedroom, and under the bed
he ran

Shoo, shoo, I followed him out
under the dining table he decided
to hide

Shoo,Shoo, I followed him out,
He ran to the window, but knew not
how to get out

Opened the front door
Shoo, shoo, I tried to chase him out
Alas, he would not even peep out

Shoo, Shoo, I chased him some more
Till he ran helter skelter through
all open doors
Tired and scared
he gave up,
Stood next to the back door,
whining at me
As if to say "am sorry, but can't you open the door any faster"

The door opened
and out he ran
The cute little white cat!!

Thank you Aarti for sharing your poem on this blog for children.

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